lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

my ideal job

that true is that I dont have ideal job. I like a lot of things. maybe, I would like, in the area of psychology, job in projects for the communities or for the school. maybe also, in Psychology clinic of focusing humanista. For this work, I need to use what I have learned during the career. This is, all necesary for to do a good job. I belive that in any job that is necesasary to make it as professional, because in our profession are working with people, this means being honest in our work.

I believe that any good work in these areas is difficult to access, because in our country there is many psychologists, however, have studied in the university of Chile, allows more opportunities for access to its job.

my favourite subject

I do not have a favorite subject. although I am quite interested in those areas of psychology that question the reality, that critics the institutions, social order, etc. these topics interest me and motivates me to study, discuss, reflect.

This kind of thinking allows that an extension conscience, have the ability to question things that had never done before. That is the interesting thing.

I think this is what I like most.

sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

Video of Kevin Robinson

the video is kevin robinson and is called "Schools kill creativity."

Concerned about the education system we restrict creativity. This, because in the emphasis of educate, or, insert into society, the that have expectations that we should satisfy, encourages us to rigidity, order, responsibility, which are behaviors that go in different directions that creativity.

Formal education provides us with a pattern of how we should be and the way we must take to achieve success. we should go to school, then go to University, doing doctorates, to be respected and valued by society.

This means that our acts of spontaneity and creativity are affected, since any act of spontaneity and creative freedom are penalized for example in our work, considering signs of non-compliance with our duty.

Art, in consequence, is not encouraged nor valued, while the intellectual faculties are highly valued.

I agree with what the video said.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

my best friend

Her name is Maria Jose Lopez Bustamante, is student of medicin in the university of antofagasta. We met in the college, in first preparatory. In a beginning, we were not friends, with the time, we went knowing. she is a very good friend, is as the sister for me. Now, that I am in santiago and she in antogafasta, our friendship is stronger.

we always talk by phono, and I arrived to antofagasta in julio or in dicember, we holidays together.we have many things in common, We love us to go for a drink of wine and talk about life, the pub that we going always is called "boliche".

I love very much to the "Kota", she is very important for me.

martes, 2 de junio de 2009

my future

In a near future I would like to study drama. because, is the passion of my life. After studying psychology I'll go travel with my friend daniela Concha to spain. I think that maybe in spain I will study drama, or maybe here in chili. also I think that in psychology, I will work in psychology educational or psychology community. I will like work with the communities or in social work. also in the future I will be connected or with music or theater, in the music specially with the "cueca", maybe helping to that this chilean tradition will be heard by all.