sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

my faculty

My faculty is social sciences and my career is psychology, this is a good faculty, since it has good teachers that are dedicated in your areas. there are things that should improve as for example the infrastructure y the technologies. The first steps to solve this situation is a better organization and a good distribution of resources.

Another problem I have seen is that the career of psychology, anthropology, education and sociology, there is not communication between them. This is a problem because these careers correspond to different fields of science so that they should be interconnected. This is demonstrated first in the arrangement of classrooms, for example, in the building of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the first level is for Education, Second to anthropology, the third level to sociology and the fourth level to psychology. This situation prevents that we talk between us in academic terms, which is extremely important because as I said earlier, all these careers unfold in a scientific setting. This would produce a better learning much more comprehensive. For that, I think it is important to propose in the regular channels of the faculty, giving primary emphasis to a restructuring in the arrangement of the classroom. Other deficiencies of the political governing our faculty, is the lack of communication with other universities. we should have more conventions, programs, courses, etc., to establish a connection permanent and dynamic, with careers of other establishments, private or state, to take advantage and learn the different approaches that can give the same career. In conclusion, I think it needs more unity and communication.

Finally ,my classmates as I commented that in this faculty as the other faculties of this campus has many problems, especially in infrastructure and resources.

I'd like to visit italy.

Since I was little I wanted to visit a country that for my family and for me, is very important, since it is directly linked to my ancestors, the country of which I speak is Italy, and someday I want to know the town from where my grandfather came Atilio Fontana, grandfather on my mother. This town is called San Felix, in which Atilio lived until he emigrated to Latin America. Italy represents all the traits and characteristics of my family, beginning with the Fontana surname which is still maintained in the generations. Besides, is a country very attractive, beautiful, developed in art, design, economy and holder of great wealth and spectacular monuments. First I would like to know the capital of Italy, the conservative Rome, and the people. Also enjoy of exquisite cuisine from years of traditions, and its the same time is a mixture of avant and elegance. Rome hosts the world's most visited churches, which has a unique architectural beauty, Here, there is the highest institution of the Catholic Church., the Holy See at the Vatican, also I would like to visit, by the age and the historical monuments as the Sistine Chapel that every year millions of tourists visit.Rome represents the evolution of culture until today.

psychology and education:

The news I chose to talk about schools in England, in the news indicates that the scores of the test GCSE are improved during the last decade. The reason would be found in programs that the government has implemented to improve these scores. Some figures indicate that 50.4% of students in state schools in England have achieved an increase of 2.1 percentage point rise from last year, while in private schools for 47, 7% of the proportion of pupils achieving good scores . Is important to mention that this increase includes the scores for math and English, which appear to be important within the political implemented by the government. For the field of English, the news to talk that state schools are gradually abandoning foreign languages. Besides, there is a big gap

between rich students and poor students in the GCSE test result.

I chose this story because I really like educational psychology, more specifically, the study of schools including its objectives, functions, plans and programs of study. The school is responsible for making the man a social being. The school is what shapes our minds and behavior. This analysis is important and interesting to me. The news tells us of the importance of scores on a test have to consider whether education has improved or not, and I believe that school improvement is related to good relations in the school with an awareness of the objectives of the school in the dominant economic system and with other elements, not only with test scores.


viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

favorite topics!

I would like that in the blog we talked about of aspects of our personal lives, things related to our daily, as for example: describe somewhere in santiago we like a lot, talk about any singer, actor or style of music that most interests us, choose any kind of food and talk about it or write about situations or things that happen in our everyday lives.

I would like to talk about things that allow than we know a little more, as for example . our likes, dislikes, etc. There are topics for me are not very entertaining for example, when we have to talk about our careers. Maybe it is because I spend most of the time at the university, or studying subject related with the career of psychology. I think that we all realize more things in our lifes besides of our careers. Therefore, I find interesting that everyone can tell about those other things they do in their lives.

however, I believe that the purpose of blogs is to exercise our grammar and learn to express ourselves better, so any topic to talk will serve the objetive of this activity.