martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

Correct a classmate´s blog

I would like to go to visit Peru, because that is one of Latin American countries that I don't know . I know Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. I think Peru is a country that respects its culture, and specifically native peoples, something that is forgotten in Chile.

First I’d like to visit Lima, walking through its streets and know your people, but I'd like to know more about Peru, as visit machupichu and, know how they got to build such strengths besides his knowledge of the nature.

other feature of Peru that I'd like to know is, on the use of hallucinogenic plants as a central part of certain indigenous communities. especifically the use of ayahuasca, which also goes by the name of the dead rope, because according to the belief of the indigenous peoples who consume it, cause the separation of body and soul, which causes the soul journey to the spirit world and connect with the ancestors.

Finally use of Ayahuasca today is associated with the treatment of individuals addicted to other drugs such as cocaine and alcohol. is interesting the power of this plant to heal both physical and emotional problems, however its use should be respected and made within the context of Peruvian Indigenous peoples, since its use is deeply rooted in their culture.

Well, the text written by my classmate Fernando Henríquez was fairly well written. There are some minor errors corrected, maybe there are more but I have not all the knowledge in this language to be able of to realize all the corrections.

I believe that is very interesting what my classmate wrote. I have a very similar opinion to him, even this summer, me and a friend, we will visit Peru because as Fernando, we believe it is a very interesting country in terms of their culture, traditions and historical monuments.

In relation to what my classmate Fernando wrote on ayahuasca., I might add that this is a hallucinogenic plant very used by native peoples of Peru and throughout Latin America to communicate with the ancestors. The use of ayahuaca has been known throughout the world attracting the attention of hundreds of people watching this sacred plant as the solution for many of the mental and emotional problems that affect people. However, ordinary people, that do not know this plant, they think that ayahuasca is a typical plant used as drug or to enjoy a moment, ignoring the use healing that has been used for hundreds of years and the respect the indigenous culture of Peru has with she.

This summer I will visit Peru and especially the center where they work with the use of ayahuasca. I find it very interesting to learn more about its history, uses and consequences. I think little by little we must preserve the traditions of all indigenous peoples of Latin America so that his story is not forgotten.

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