martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

The importance of English

The English, for some time has become the universal language, which all must learn due to globalization that there are today. The learning part in schools and later is taught at universities including in this University. Learning English at the university has become a prerequisite for the development of our skills as professionals, in my case as a future psychologist. In my career, the training includes, apart from to reflection and criticism of theories, lots of reading. Is necessary to keep informed and updated about the latest theoretical publications. This point is fundamentall because many of the publications are in English. If one has not learned the language, is limited to access knowledge of the texts in Spanish.

The importance of the school in promoting English learning is essential. In my personal experience, I can say that my school is not incentive to learn this language, there was not English program according to each course with defined objectives. Moreover, the importance of learning English was not transmited in my school, this means that I never has the need to know this language. What happens is different now that I'm finishing the career, at this moment I feel the need to learn English, because I've been involved in situations within the career in which the power to interpret what a text says in this language is necessary. That's where English has been meaningful to me. With what I said before, I mean that the importance of learning is in that we use what we have learned in everyday situations, in which the use of this language is necessary.

This is a critique at the education, since they teach us things that are not applied in our daily lives, this makes that do not having sense and that soon we forget this learning. Now I can not forget what I learned in English, because every time, I used this language within in my career..

Finally, I add, that schools and universities should teach not only the language but must transmit the importance of learning for our daily lives and also that this learning can be applied in the work we do every day, is useless to learn something that only applies when I go to class. So it makes sense to me that recently I Just learn English because I'm just starting to use it within psychology, in the translating texts and publications that are important to my training as a psychologist.

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